MEA Software
Axion’s software modules for the Maestro MEA platforms enable simple assay setup, real-time data visualization, powerful analysis, and publication-ready figures. Discover the module that meets your needs and transform your complex data into clear results.
The Maestro MEA platform has seven available software modules: Neural, Cardiac, MEA Automation, MEA Viability, Impedance, GxP Impedance, and Impedance Automation. Select the software modules to match your assay needs:
Neural – Measure the key parameters of neural network function, including activity (are the neurons functional?), synchrony (are the synapses functional?), and oscillation (is the network functional?).
Cardiac – Record the four key measures of functional cardiac performance, label free and in real time in every well of the multiwell plate: action potential (a.k.a. LEAP assay); field potential; propagation; and contractility.
MEA Viability – Measure cell viability and coverage on MEA plates for a complete structure-function assay.
MEA Automation – Automate Cardiac and Neural MEA assays with this API for interfacing with liquid handling platforms.
Impedance – Track cell proliferation, morphology, and viability label-free and in real-time. Ideal for immuno-oncology, cytotoxicity, virology, cell migration, cell proliferation, GPCR assays, and many more.
GxP Impedance – Achieve FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliance in GMP/GLP labs with this version of the Impedance Software Module.
Impedance Automation – Automate impedance assays with this API for interfacing with liquid handling platforms.