Authors: Guoqiang Ren, Morten Brøndum Sørensen, Simone Riis Porsborg, Trine Fink, Vladimir Zachar and Qiuyue Peng
Scientific Reports, 30 December 2024
Researchers use the Scratch Assay Module on Axion Biosystems AI-powered Omni live-cell imaging system to compare cryopreservation methods for stem cell therapies.
Cryopreservation of adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) is a process used to store cells at ultra-low temperatures to maintain their viability and functionality for future use in cell therapies, and selecting between tissue culture polystyrene (TCP) and hollow fiber (HFB) systems has implications related to “scalability, reproducibility, and the clinical efficacy,” according to the authors. In this study, researchers use the Scratch Assay Module on Axion Biosystems automated Omni live-cell imaging system, and other methods, to investigate how the two different systems impact the freeze-thaw process in ASCs. Overall, the findings demonstrate that “freeze-thaw does not interfere with the production of fully functional ASCs in either system, although it drives some differential changes in the subpopulations between systems.”